Product Coalition Sign Up
Thanks for wanting to join the community. To take advantage of becoming a community writer please enter your details below.

Invites will be sent within 48 hours of details being received. This is a free service, so please be patient.

Jay Stansell, Product Coalition Founder

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The Mission
The Product Coalition’s mission is to make mastery of  product management globally accessible
To achieve this, joining the community is now free.

Invites will be sent within 48 hours of details being received.
To become a Product Coalition writer, submit your Medium username (e.g. @jaystansell), this is not your name on Medium, and should not contain any spaces.
Do not enter your email address here. Medium does not allow invites via email, so please check you are entering your Medium username. Invites will be sent within 48 hours of details being received.
Do you understand that your article may not be published, or your Slack account may be cancelled if you don't respect our community values? *
I'd like to notify you when I launch new podcast episodes or events, do you give your permission to join the newsletter? No spam, and your details are never sold. *
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